Sexual Intimacy and Family Life

I think there is a common misconception that sex is just something you don't talk about, and when you get married everything in your love life will be fine and dandy because your needs are being fulfilled in that aspect.

There are many problems that can arise if you don't have good communication both outside of the bedroom as well as inside the bedroom. If someone isn’t getting what they want sexually often times they will turn outside of the marriage to satisfy their desire, challenges with this could be lack of contact, some people stop touching each other entirely in fear that it will lead to more intimate things and if they aren't getting what they want then they might not want to engage in those things. Intimacy isn't about being two people together, it’s about being unified and being one cohesive couple that works together to make both sides happy.

Communication in intimacy can help for better understanding which can lead to accommodation so that the other side can be more fulfilled. If we learn to accommodate the other person than you gain a greater love and compassion for that person and you start to seek out things that will make them happy rather than yourself. When couples are having problems, often times they seek for help outside the marriage for help from friends and therapists, the thing that will do the best fixing would be if partners would communicate their needs and their desires so that the other person can take that into account and so they can become more connected.


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