Does it matter how many kids we have?

In the world today there are many trends. A trend is defined as a general direction in which something has developed or is developing as well as changing. we see these trends in all aspects of our lives whether it be the trends on social media or the trends on fashion.
The trends of the world also have an impact on the family.They include, not getting married until you're older and when you are married you wait to have kids till both spouses are well established in their careers and can financially support their future children. These trends have many impacts on the family, if parents are waiting to have kids then that can impact the way the kids are raised because they have less time to spend with their kids because they are working or just don't have the energy to play with them, often times these parents will rely on technology as a “babysitter” because it can entertain them for hours on end.
In our society it is popular to have less kids, many see this as a selfish reason because it is a popular belief that kids hold you back and that you must live it up while you’re still young because you can’t go out with your friends and party if you have a baby at home. Not all of these reasons though are selfish, someone who is in a bad situation might not want to bring kids in the world because it wouldn't be the best thing for them or the kid to be in, for example if they are homeless and living in a homeless shelter or if they can are living in an abusive relationship or even if they feel like the society that they will be in isn’t good enough for them to be in and don’t have faith in the society.
In other countries such as China, they have a one child only policy and that has dramatically affected the chinese population because now the parents want to have little boys so that they have someone who can carry on the name and inherit everything, so when they find out that they are having a girl many times they will terminate the pregnancy in order to get a little boy, this has caused the population to be very saturated with males and very few females. This is an issue because if there is no one for these males to marry than they will have to go outside of their race and that will dilute the chinese race causing there to be no more purely chinese people.
When deciding on how many children to have it is very important to come to a decision as a couple and go to the Lord with that number and see if that's what he have you do. Also, it is very important for us as a society to have children, not only is it good for the economy to have more children but it is also our divine purpose here on the earth and we must multiply and replenish the earth so that the souls up in the spirit world have a fair chance to come here to earth and be tested.


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