Communication and Problem solving

In the family there is almost always conflict. A serious argument or a disagreement might last for longer than we anticipated and its important for us as a family to have good communication to talk out our problems and resolve things that might not be able to resolve themselves. The Holy Ghost also plays a big role in the communication that we have because he is able to enlighten our minds to the needs of others and can help us become more aware of those in our families and sometimes outside our families. Satan seeks to destroy the family through contention because he knows that the home is a place that can be a place of refuge for us to escape the world. As we rely on the Holy Ghost to help us communicate with those around us, we must make a conscience effort to get along with our family and draw in the Saviors love through serving others.  The Lord has sent worthy men to the earth to become fathers and to receive the priesthood, these men preside over the families and help become a mediator with in the family. the calling of Father is the greatest priesthood calling that any man could have and he must use this authority to ensure there is peace in the home.

When trying to solve conflicts and problems, its important for us to reprove and correct but after we do that we must immediately show an increase of love. We should help those around us because we love them and not just to get our way or to get what we want from someone. i believe that the more we communicate, the easier it will be to solve problems and arguments that we might have with in the family because you have the knowledge of how the other one feels and you know how to properly address a situation and fix it with out creating more problems and making things where they cannot be fixed.

I hope that we all can be able to properly communicate with our families and that we can solve problems that arise so that we can have the spirit it us to lead and guide us throughout this life.


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