Are all cultures equally valid?

week 5/8-5/12

In the world When asked the question "are all cultures equally valid" our automatic response is yes! we say yes to make ourselves seem accepting of other or that's what we think other people want to hear. but if we actually take the time to think about that question I honestly think that not all cultures are valid, I think that if we look at these various cultures through God's eyes then not even our own culture is valid because Satan has a huge influence on the world and often times we change laws and procedures based on his influence, for example how drugs are legal or the US government making gay marriage legal. these things go against God’s law both because violate the commandments that the Lord put in place to guide us to make good decisions.
Even though the validity of various culture can change person to person, the way they go about running the country can still be effective based on how they do it, if they use a democratic way then the way they go about things would be thought our better and it would be more effective.
I think that we need to keep in mind that others might not think that different cultures other than their own aren't valid, the people within those cultures think that they are just as valid as others if not more valid. This is all based on opinion so we need to considerate of them and not judge because the things that they do are normal to them and who are we to judge because all cultures are different and have different ways of doing things.


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